Castiglion Fibocchi

Castiglion Fibocchi, located not far from Arezzo in ideal position between the Casentino and Valdarno valleys, this village was founded in Roman Times near important Via Cassia road . which today is called Via Setteponti. The town's name probably comes from the words "castiglione" or "castle", from the Latin Castellum which means " fortified location" and "Fibocchi", a compound made up of the words Filiis Bocchi , literally "children of Bocco".
The Territory. Perched on the last off shoots of the Pratomagno range, a great deal of the territory is filled with beautiful wood of oak, chestnut, and fir trees, up to an altitude of 800 metres. The rest of the area has been shaped by the strenuos work of humans, with fields of grain, vineyards and olive trees.
The town of Castiglion Fibocchi rises on the last foothills of the Pratomagno that slope towards the plain of Arezzo, along the ancient Via Clodia (or Cassia Vetus). The district already inhabited in the late Republican (I century BC), around the year one thousand was the castle of the Conti Guidi guarding the road that connected the Valdarno to Casentino. In 1835, with the victory of Florence Arezzo also fell under the rule of the Republic of Florence. Along the present road Setteponti you can see some examples of typical rural housing: the Case Leopoldine, with dovecote, the loggia and the porch, among the finest in the area. North of the village is the small fraction of Gello Biscardo with its beautifully preserved old town. On the hill you can see the ruins of San Quirico, the early Christian church of which will have testimonies from the eleventh century.
The plebiscite arranged for annexation to Sardinia Tuscany, Castiglion Fibocchi is expressed with overwhelming majority in favor of maintaining the separate kingdom (of 293 eligible, 169 voters, the separate kingdom had 106 votes against 46 and 17 who went annexation nil). Some say that this result occurred because it was the only place in which they were organized voting free [3]. Hence the nickname "King of Castiglion Fibocchi" given to Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany, who succeeded the last reigning king of Tuscany, Leopold II of Tuscany. The town derives its name from Mouth or Bocco de 'Pazzi of Valdarno, which have nothing to do with the famous Pazzi conspiracy against the Medici - The name appears in ancient documents as Castilium Filiorum Boccae (Fi.Bocco) and its walls were topped with seven towers. Of these Only 2 remains: Porta Fredda e Porta San Clemente
City Hall of Castiglion Fibocchi
Address: Piazza del Municipio, 1 - 52029 Castiglion Fibocchi - Arezzo - Italy
Telephone: 0039 0575 47484
Distance from:
Arezzo 14 Km
Florence 70 Km
Siena 58 Km
Nearest Train Station
Nearest airport

Castiglion Fibocchi Map and Cappannelle Holiday House
Town Hall
Church of Saints Peter and Hilary
The Church of Saints Peter and Hilary is a sacred building is located in Via del Fosso 5, Castiglion Fibocchi.
Originally ancient castle chapel, is mentioned in 1304 as part of the parish of San Quirico Sopr'Arno. In the mid-seventeenth century was elevated to parish, and in 1857, completely rebuilt and expanded beyond the walls, was declared archpriesthood. The façade is a remake Classicism style of the thirties of the twentieth century. On the left stands the belfry late-nineteenth century, built on the ruins of the ancient tower. The interior retains a portion of a fresco depicting the Madonna and Child Enthroned (end XV-XVI century).
The image, a solid detached from a building in the area, is attributed to Agnolo di Lorentino, son of Lorentino d'Andrea, one of the most faithful collaborators of Piero della Francesca.

Church of St. Peter in Pezzano
The church of San Pietro in Pezzano or San Pietro a Pezzano is a sacred building is located along the road of the Seven Bridges, Castiglion Fibocchi. Currently it is the chapel of the cemetery of the town in the province of Arezzo.
Consecrated in 1232 and employee originally from the parish of San Quirico Sopr'Arno, following the decline of the rural church, located in the mountain resort of difficult access, was transferred the baptismal font. Restored in 1583, became the patronage of the Society of the Annunciation, but towards the middle of the eighteenth century, until it declined to be set to "burial".
At the end of the nineteenth century were carried out restoration work on the roof, but it is in the first third of the twentieth century, by Giuseppe Castellucci, the church was altered by a makeover "in style". Inside, on the back wall that preserves the original structure, is visible a fourteenth century fresco of the Annunciation, attributed to Andrea di Nerio.
Church of St. John the Baptist
The church of San Giovanni Battista is a sacred building is located in the resort Gello Biscardo, Castiglion Fibocchi.
Mentioned in the fourteenth century between the suffragan of the parish of San Quirico Sopr'Arno, perhaps stands on the site of the castle of Gello Biscardo, ancient possession of the powerful family magnate Arezzo Ubertini. The building, with a nave with altars in stucco late eighteenth century, was almost completely rebuilt in the nineteenth century. Currently has the typical appearance of the rural churches gable with bell tower with three arches.
Pieve di San Quirico in Alfiano
The parish church of San Quirico in Alfiano (also known as the church of San Quirico Sopr'Arno) is a sacred building is located in the village of San Pié Chierco, Castiglion Fibocchi.
The remains of the church are incorporated in the farmhouse Pié San Chierco, also in ruins. Early Christian and built on an existing site from the Roman era, the church is documented since 1131 and indicated with six suffragan churches in Tithes of 1278. The decline of the sacred building was probably due to its location inaccessible and inconvenient, but, above all, , the importance assumed by the viability of the valley with the foundation of the "new lands" under the Florentine Republic. Currently ancient church remain visible only traces of the entrance, the wall facing to the right side, in blocks of sandstone willing to filaretto, and splayed with a lancet arch.

Piazza Roma, Castiglion Fibocchi.

Piazza Roma, Castiglion Fibocchi.

Piazza Roma, Castiglion Fibocchi.

History of the Carnival of the Sons of Bocco
A few kilometers from the city of Arezzo, along the ancient Roman road Cassia Vetus on the slopes of Pratomagno, Castiglion Fibocchi rises; This is a typical Tuscan town that sees its first origins in the medieval period and specifically in the twelfth century, when the Guidi gave the feud to the Pazzi family of Valdamo; between them stands the figure of Ottaviano Pazzi, nicknamed Bocco due to deformation of the face, and he was named the country.
Here the story begins to weave a dance with the legend sometimes getting lost in one another. The stories, told by grandparents to grandchildren in the "song of the fire" during the long winter evenings, tell of memorable festivities Castiglionesi before Lent when, with great libations and dancing ".. in Castellione de filiis Bochi the peasants and lords celebrate together the feast of carnesciale. . . "(Nda historical document dated May 2, 1174).
And so twenty years ago, it takes shape, the alleys and the walls of the castle strict, beautiful figures and arcane that overhead, beneath the stone arches and the narrow streets, take up a dance now interrupted for centuries, but always in memory of all, because you never forget the joy of living.
It is precisely this spirit that only once a year, namely the third Sunday of the carnival period, the entire country is working to transform every inhabited place, alley and atrium, in a fantastic landscape, that of the "Carnival Sons of Bocco ".
The Carnival of the Sons of Bocco is an ancient event where the two hundred participants, dressed in fantastic costumes and with their faces hidden by masks of precious paper, with their elegant bows invite the visitor to enter a mysterious limbo where time has not most dimension.
Web site Carnevale Figli di Bocco - Castiglion Fibocchi
A list of SHOPPING, FOOD, BAR AND RESTAURANTS in Castiglion Fibocchi. In addition we suggest Fattoria La Vialla, the Biodynamic Farm, is very famous in Germany, UK, Holland and USA. And also the results are there: from Germany is fresh news that The Vialla is "producer Biological year 2015 ", the competition Mundusvini- Biofach Nuremberg. Lago Bellavista in Castiglion Fibocchi for who wants to fish. Other beautiful holiday house: Cappannelle, La Vialla, Poggio Primo, Antica Dimora Al Prato, La Luna sul Pozzo. Castiglion Fibocchi is in the middle of Tuscany and his beautiful Unesco Sites.